Old zucchinis

Welcome to the first day of winter!

The good old-fashioned game of #ISpy has always had an educational, as well as a fun, element to it. So, this month we are asking you to join us to play #ISpy and bring food waste into full focus.


We’ll show you how to spot food waste at home and give you ideas on how to use up and enjoy produce when it goes a bit brown, stale or wrinkly!

United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres recently said, “It is unacceptable that hunger is on the rise at a time when the world wastes more than 1 billion tonnes of food every year. It is time to change how we produce and consume, including to reduce greenhouse emissions.” We couldn’t agree more, so keep your eyes peeled for important information about World Environment Day and tips and tricks on how you can do your bit to protect our environment.

While I love the fresh salads, fruit and SEEfood during the summer months, I also enjoy the hearty soups, roasts and casseroles are warm me during winter - all of which are great for using up leftovers! This month we’ll let you know what’s in season so you can select the produce that will naturally last longer and be the most nutritious, while also saving you money.

Look out for exciting news about our new partner, the Anglican Parish of Moruya. Also, see if you can spot any instances of potential food waste in your kitchen and tell us what great solutions you’ve come up with to avoid the bin! As the school holidays start at the end of this month, try coming up with your own version of food waste avoidance #ISpy to play with your kids – it’s educational and they won’t even know it!

As always, please share your insights with us in the comments sections of our Facebook and Instagram platforms, or direct message us – we love hearing from you!

#ISpy with my little eye something that is…


Amanda C