vegetable peelings in a steel bowl on a kitchen benchtop

Unlocking Culinary Magic

Transforming vegetable scraps into delicious treasures!

17 January 2024

Before you toss away your kitchen scraps, let's explore the culinary wonders they can become!

Roasted peel crisps
Don't discard potato, carrot, zucchini and other veggie peelings! Toss them in olive oil with a sprinkle of salt and your favourite spices like paprika and cumin. Roast until golden brown and voila! You've just created a crispy, waste-busting snack. Serve them as a side dish or sprinkle over salads for a nutritious crunch.

Onion and garlic infusions
Save onion skins or garlic ends and infuse them in vinegar or olive oil for a bold and savoury twist! These infusions are perfect for flavouring soups, stews, or braised meats, adding depth and complexity.

Kale Stem Chips
Next time you're preparing kale, don't discard the stems. Slice them into thin strips, toss them in olive oil and your favourite seasonings, then bake to transform into crispy chips. 

Herb Stem Pesto
When trimming herbs like parsley, coriander, or basil, save the stems! Blend them with garlic, nuts, Parmesan cheese and olive oil to create a flavourful herb stem pesto. This versatile condiment can elevate pasta, sandwiches, or roasted vegetables.

Fruit Peel Smoothie Boosters
Don’t throw away fruit peelings from kiwi fruits and mangoes. Instead, transform them into nutritious smoothie boosters. Wash peels thoroughly and blend into a fine puree. Add a tablespoon or two of this to your favourite smoothies for instant zing!

By adopting a waste-conscious approach in the kitchen, we not only contribute to a sustainable lifestyle but also unlock a world of creative possibilities. So, the next time you're about to toss those scraps, think twice – there might be a culinary masterpiece in the making! 

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