Image of raw carrots and beetroots

Autumn Produce: Helpful Hacks

17 April 2024

In last month’s blog, we talked about the best way to store some of our favourite autumn produce. This month, we’re deep-diving into a few more weird and wonderful hacks to help fresh foods last longer!

Perfect pairings

We’re sure you’ve heard about keeping your bananas and avocados apart to prevent them ripening too quickly – but did you know there are some pairings that work together to keep each other fresh?

  • Storing potatoes with an apple or two keeps sprouting at bay (just keep them away from onions, which have the opposite effect).
  • Squeezing a bit of lemon juice on avocado halves before storing them in the fridge will stop them going brown.  Also, don’t toss overripe avocados! Use them up in this delicious aioli instead.

Magic materials

There are also a few unexpected household items that can help extend the life of your autumnal goodies:

  • Storing fresh herbs in a glass of water. Leave them on the kitchen bench and add water as needed - this is great for spring onions too.
  • Stocking up on porous paper (like baking or tracing paper) to wrap up cheese keeps it fresher for much longer than plastic wrap.
  • Reusing foil to tightly wrap broccoli and celery can double its life in the fridge.
  • Repurposing small cardboard boxes to store fresh garlic helps it stay dry and last longer.

We’re always on the hunt for new food storage ideas that we can all easily use at home to reduce food wastage.

Are there any hacks you use at home to keep your produce fresh for longer? Let us know, and find inspiration from others, on Facebook and Instagram.